AI at Oxford.

Experts at Oxford are developing fundamental AI tools, using AI to tackle global challenges, and addressing the ethical issues of new technologies.

AI is everywhere and everyone's talking about it.

Find out what AI means and how it's impacting our society from world-leading experts, and discover the groundbreaking ways artificial intelligence is being applied at Oxford.

What is AI?

Concept image of a computer chip on a motherboard

What does AI mean?

We've all likely heard of 'artificial intelligence' or 'AI'. But what does it actually mean?

A man holds a phone with the image showing a digital projection of a chatbot

The different types of AI.

Machine Learning. Generative AI. Many terms are used alongside AI - what's the difference?

A concept image of a neural network shaped like a brain inside a lightbulb on a computer motherboard

How does AI learn?

What does it mean when we hear that an AI has learnt something?  

A concept image of a robot face on one side and a more human-like face on the other

What is the Turing test?

The Turing test is often mentioned when it comes to assessing whether computers can be ‘intelligent’ – but what is it, and has an AI passed the test before?

A robotic hand holds up a DNA sequence

What does the future hold for AI?

There are plenty of questions about the future of AI. Will robots go rogue and take over the world, or will an AI take my job?

Is AI safe?

What does AI mean for...

A man holding a megaphone during a protest


How is AI impacting our democratic rights and can the technology be used to influence elections?

A close up on the face of the statue of justice


What happens if we don't govern AI and what does good governance look like for artificial intelligence?

A doctor prepares to vaccinate a patient

Global health and wellbeing?

AI can be a force good, especially in healthcare. But what are the potential pitfalls in its use?

A chimney stack blowing out white smoke depicting CO2 emissions

The Environment?

How does AI impact the environment and are the negative effects outweighed by the possibilities for positive uses?

Two women sit outside of a coffee shop laughing


What are the impacts of AI on society and what would happen if it went unchecked and ungoverned?

How is AI being used at Oxford?

A scientist wearing blue gloves looks through a microscope

Global health, medicine and disease.

Explore how AI is being used to diagnose psychiatric disorders and predict the spread of pandemics.

A man wearing virtual reality glasses stares into the distance

Human society, culture and creativity.

See how Oxford experts are questioning AI ethics and using AI to create symphonies and curate exhibitions.

Radio antenna dishes of a Very Large Array radio telescope

Nature, climate and the universe.

Find out how researchers are using AI to decode whale language and look for life on Mars.

An image showing skyscrapers in the city of London

Politics, business and the economy.

See how experts at Oxford are investigating AI's impact on economics, the business world and political landscapes.

A robotic arms loads a box onto a smaller transportation robot in a factory

Technology and the future.

See how Oxford researchers are shaping the future, from driverless vehicles to clean energy and ecosystem monitoring.

A history of artificial intelligence.

Ever wondered where AI came from?

Discover a historical timeline of artificial intelligence, from inception in the 1950s to present day applications and global AI summits - with key Oxford moments.

Oxford AI experts

Meet a selection of our AI experts. If you're interested in more of our experts, visit our Find an Expert listing.

AI Education and Teaching

An abstract of data points connected by lines

Educating the next generation of AI researchers.

Explore how AI is being used to diagnose psychiatric disorders and predict the spread of pandemics.

An lecturer or teacher stands in front of a screen showing data

Artificial intelligence in education.

An image of a student standing in front of the Radcliffe Camera, Oxford


Take a look at the undergraduate courses available to study at Oxford.

Two graduates walk under the Bridge of Sighs, Oxford


Search for AI-related graduate courses at the University.

A man sat at a desk in a library with headphones on looking at a laptop with a stack of books next to him


See AI-related short courses from the Department for Continuing Education.

A front view of the Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford


Explore the Saïd Business Schools' AI-related programmes.

Oxford AI in the news

Oxford AI experts and research in the news:

Times Higher Education (16/11/23):

Oxford AI expert Prof Charlotte Deane named EPSRC Executive Chair

Guardian (13/11/23):

AI could predict heart attack risk up to 10 years in the future, finds Oxford study

Time (03/11/23):

Prof Robert Trager on China's involvement in the UK AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park

BBC Radio 4 (01/11/23):

Profs Ciaran Martin and Sandra Wachter on the UK AI Safety Summit (from 2:49:30)

Daily Mail (26/10/23):

Prof Brent Mittelstadt on PM Rishi Sunak's speech ahead of the UK AI Safety Summit

BBC News (23/10/23):

Oxford University develops AI tool to track virus variants

BBC News (18/10/23):

Prof Carissa Véliz on people's dependency on AI tools

New Scientist (18/10/23):

Prof Sandra Wachter on the environmental impact of artificial intelligence

i News (09/10/23):

How AI could be used to help diagnose schizophrenia within a decade

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